Scott's Tennessee Battery Inc. Bylaws
I Membership
A. New recruits: Upon applying for membership, a recruit must sign a waiver of liability. After attending four events a prospective member shall become a recruit. A person remains a recruit for two more events that he shall attend during which time he shall learn the bylaws and company policy. He may then be voted into membership and receive the right to vote unless the Articles of Incorporation or the bylaws have been violated. A person must be 18 years of age to join unless his parent or guardian also joins this corporation.
B. The President may call an informal meeting to approve the acceptance of a new member.
C. Expulsion from the membership
1. By board vote and majority vote of the membership a member can be expelled only for the following reasons:
a. Not attending at least one event in a year
b. Public intoxication at an event during open hours of the camp.
c. Repeated safety violations which endanger others.
d. Committing a misdemeanor or other criminal act while representing the corporation.
2. A member could be expelled for failing to abide by the bylaws.
D. Inactive members will be anyone who fails to attend at least 1 event in a year.
a. Inactive members will not be allowed to serve on a cannon crew in a battle re-enactment until they are taken from inactive status.
b. A member leaves inactive status by attending two cannon drills
c. Inactive members have no voting rights.
d. An event is at least one full day of camp life activities. Camp life activities include but are not restricted to drill, skits, battle and living history.
E. DUES: All military members above the age of 16, and who have already been members for one year, shall pay dues of $10 annually.
1. Dues must be paid to the treasurer no later than the day of the April meeting.
2. Members who do not pay dues by the deadline will become inactive.
II. Government:
1. Election of the Board of Directors.
a. The election of President, Vice-president, Secretary, and Treasurer will take place at the annual business meeting in October.
b. To be eligible for office a candidate must attend a majority of events during the preceding year.
c. Any voting age member may nominate candidates for office.
d. A candidate need only receive a simple majority to win the office.
2. Duties of the Board of Directors
a, The board, as a group, will set policy of the organization and make recommendations to the military commander.
b. The President will conduct the meetings of the board of directors and the general membership meetings.
c. The Vice-president serves in the President's absence or does the duty of the secretary in his absence.
d. The secretary will record the minutes of the board meetings and the general membership meetings.
e. The treasurer will keep account of the corporation finances. He will record all income and expenses and the reason for each. All cash assets will be deposited in
a reputable financial
institution. An expenditure of more than $25.00 requires a vote of the general membership except to purchase friction primers so that at least
two event
supply is on hand. An expenditure of less than $25.00 requires a majority vote of the board of directors. This may not occur more than once per month.
f. Board members can be removed if they fail to attend three regular board meetings in a row.
g. If a new board member is needed to fill a vacancy, the present board may pick a replacement to fill the position.
h. Board members hold no special consideration or rank at events just because they are board members.
i. The Board of Directors shall determine all questions
of business and policy not specified in the Articles of Corporation or the
bylaws. To this end, The Board of
Directors shall be limited and
bound by the provisions of the Articles of
Incorporation in a 11 matters, except as otherwise provided for under the
Corporation laws of the
State of Iowa.
j. The Board of Directors shall act as a judicial body
in regard to matters of dispute within the membership. When taking disciplinary
action as described in the bylaws,
the Board must call a special meeting to consider the question.
3. Military Leadership
1. The military commander is the highest ranking individual. The military commander is an ex officio member of the Board of Directors but is not entitled to vote.
2. Rank holds no special meaning and all members
are equal. The organization may have one corporal for each five (5) privates and
one sergeant for each twelve (12)
men. A First Lieutenant may
be, raised .after there are fifteen men. A Second Lieutenant after
an additional fifteen
(15) men are raised.
3. A second sergeant may be raised instead of a
corporal after fifteen (15) privates have been raised. Additional NCOs' or
officers may be added with board approval
within the above guidelines.
These positions are to be elected by the general membership.
No member should ever be Captain. The officers and NCOs play a part only
during camp activities and on the battlefield. Other duties can be
assigned. Corporals will be elected annually at the October meeting.
4. Duties of the First Lieutenant: He is
account-able to the Board of Directors and is to carry out board policy and
beard decisions. He is to pre-register the entire
corporation for events,
organize new recruits, handle all' correspondence and other
paper work and keep track of all corporation property. He is also to file all
required by the state or federal authorities. He will command the troops on the battlefield.
5. Duties of the Sergeant: He is to knew the “Hardee Manuel” and occasionally drill the troops. He will take command on the battlefield in the absence of the Lieutenant.
6. Duties of Corporals: He is to keep the men occupied with meaningful authentic activities under the approval of the sergeant.
7. Members below the age of fifteen (15) years shall have the rank of limber-man. They do not have voting rights.
8. All other members hold the rank of private.
9. To be eligible to hold rank above private an
individual must have attendance in more than 75% of the yearly activates.
Corporals must attend 50% the yearly activates
and be a member for at least
a year. If no vacancies exist, special positions can be created
such as artificer, telegrapher, signalman, orderly etc. These positions are
considered to be privates.
10. Noncombatant members have the same rights and privileges as the military members except election of members to military ranks.
III. Rules for conducting Business Meetings
a. Business meetings of this corporation will be conducted on an informal basis, except that the Secretary will take minutes of all meetings.
b. The President, who will preside over all business
meetings, may at his discretion call for the meeting to be conducted by and in
accordance with Roberts Rules of Order.
The President must
announce his intent to use this provision at
the beginning of the meeting.
C. At any meeting not under the provision in article III B of the bylaws the President may adjourn the meeting at his discretion.
D. Any business to be brought up at the meeting by anyone other than board members must be submitted to the president prior to the opening of the meeting.
E. A special meeting of the general membership must be
called to amend the bylaws or approve the expenditure of
more than $25.00. A duly called meeting is also necessary to sell company
IV. Guidelines for Re-enacting
a. Authentic dress should be worn.
b. The men should drill on the artillery pieces at each event.
c. An organized camp should always be set up. All farby (not authentic period) items are to be put away during open camp hours.
d All members should try to learn to use first person.
e. Loud, boisterous and abusive language will not be tolerated.
V. Safety Rules
a. The corporation will follow the rules of the host of the event.
The safety rules of the Illinois Association of Civil
War Re-enactors will be used any other times
b. he safety rules of the National Muzzle Loading Artillery Association will be followed at other times.
VI. Standards of Authentic Dress
a. Each member must have at least the following to be allowed to take part in a battle re-enactment:
1. A period shirt: drop shoulder, drop front, "Jefferson" shirt or flannel shirt.
2. A pair of period trousers (preferably wool) with leather or linen suspenders.
3. A pair of period appearing or authentic looking shoes.
4. A hat of any style (must be period) may
be worn. A red forage cap will be provided at a nominal cost.
VII. Amending the bylaws
a. The bylaws can be amended at any duly called general membership meeting.
b. It takes a majority vote of those present at a duly called meeting to amend the bylaws.
c. Amendments must be submitted to the Secretary in writing before they can be voted on.
Amendment 1 Tax exemption
a. All members are to give to the Lieutenant, no later than February 1, two figures;
1. Expenses incurred that were consumable (travel, food, powder, etc.) and
2. Expenses for equipment (guns, clothing, tents, etc.). This figure is for the calendar year January 1 to December 31.
b. Members are to keep their own receipts.
c. Anyone not doing letter A above will be recorded as zero (0).
d. The Lieutenant will keep track of the corporation's donations as it pertains
to section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 including donations
from non-members
Amendment 2. Change to IV B. (Oct. 29, 1989)
Delete the second sentence. No forage cap will be offered.
Amendment 3. Change 5 B. (October 24, 1995)
a. Remove Illinois Association of Civil War Reenactors.
b. Replace with: The safety rules of the National Muzzle Loading Artillery
Association will be followed.
"Last updated...12/2/2014"
Copyright © 1999-2014 by Scott's Tennessee Battery, INC