Scott's Tennessee Battery Inc.

    Scott's Tennessee Battery Inc. is a non-profit organization incorporated in the State of Iowa under the provisions of Chapter 504A of the code of Iowa.
We are a tax exempt organization registered with the Federal Government under Section 501 (c) (3) as well as Section 170 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954.

    You do not have to understand any of this but only to know that we are operating within and protected by the law.

The purpose of Scott's Tennessee Battery is:

   1. To aide, assist, instruct and encourage members to re-enact Civil War historical events, to educate, entertain and inspire the general public by participating in, hosting, or promoting living history demonstrations.

    2. To determine the availability of, and coordinate the use of resources, financial and otherwise, for the carrying on of Civil War re-enacting and living history demonstrations.

    3. To do any and all acts and things and to engage in any and all lawful activities which may be necessary, useful, or desirable for the furtherance or attainment of the above purpose.

    Any person regardless of sex, age, race, natural origin, or religion may ask to be accepted as a member of this corporation. They must attend two (2) re-enactment's and be accepted by a favorable vote of the membership. Members must follow the by-laws (see Document page) and policy of the corporation and attend one event (re-enactment) each year to remain a member.   

    It maybe necessary for you to travel out of town to enjoy our hobby. Scott's Tennessee Battery attends about 15 functions each year, mostly from May to October. Some of these events are here in the Quad-Cities area. We do travel at times. Don't feel that you are not a part of us if you cannot travel or attend an event. We also ride share so you do not have to drive you own vehicle to attend an event. It is this flexibility that has made the membership so strong.

"Last Updated 11-22-2014"

Copyright © 1999-2014 by Scott's Tennessee Battery, INC.

If Interested in joining us or have questions or comments about our page,

Please feel free to e-mail us.