Your expenses In re-enactments, living history, lectures, demonstrations, or any
Civil War related event that is approved by the Board of Directors or the
general membership of Scott's Tennessee Battery can be deducted from your income
tax return under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954.
What can be deducted:
1. Purchases of equipment that you wear, show, display, or use
2. Firearms
3. Clothing
4. Material to make clothing
5. Expenses to pay someone to sew for you
6. Camp equipment
7. Modern equipment used exclusively for
Civil War reenacting (coolers, cots,
blankets, etc.)
8. Travel expenses to attend an event.
Either gasoline receipts or mileage
based on current IRS cents per mile.
9. Catalogues from sutlers.
What cannot be deducted:
1. Your vacation to Gettysburg or any other personal trip.
2. Purchases of any kind that you keep at home.
3. Any item purchased that you do not display or use.
4. The room in your home where you store your gear.
Non-members can also donate to Scott's Tennessee Battery,
either cash or items
that they have a stated value of.
A receipt can be obtained from the treasurer
to qualify for such donations.
Receipts are necessary to claim any deductions. The deduction of taxes is done
on form A itemized deductions contributions as a lump sum entitled: Scott's
Tennessee Battery. You must keep your own records. These records should be
divided into two parts and phoned in to the Lieutenant by February 1 for each
calendar year ending on December 31. These two parts are consumable and
non-consumable deductions. For your taxes you keep this as one figure, for the
corporation you use two.
"Last Updated 11/23/2014"
Copyright © 1999-2014 by Scott's Tennessee Battery, Inc
If Interested in joining us or have questions or comments about our page,
Please feel free to e-mail us.