Company Policy approved 1985
1. Rank holds no real meaning
outside of the battlefield and camp activities.
2. Members may exchange
ranks, upon mutual agreement, for a day or week-end.
3. Any money, powder, etc. Received by any member should be turned over to the
officer for proper usage.
4. All members should help put up and take down company cannons, and equipment.
5. Tents should not be taken down until the end of the event.
6. Artillery drill will be held on Saturday mornings unless circumstances don't
allow for it.
7. Members should report immediately when hearing the Following bugle calls:
boots and saddles, attention,
8. During any skit (coffee ration, pay day, poker, on the Box, flogging, drill,
etc.) Members should try to play their part in first person.
9. Don't drink out of a can, modern bottle, or paper cup, during the hours of
open camp. This is generally 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.
10. Keep the camp area authentic at all times.
11. Vehicles cannot be
parked in the authentic camp area except to load and unload.
12. Do not throw cans, bottles, foil, or plastic into the fire.
13. Radios, TV etc. Are not to be used during the day and used with discretion
at night.
14. Members should check with the officer before they go home from an event.
15. Company gunpowder cannot be used by members for personal use.
16. Private property should not be used by members without permission.
"Last Updated 11/23/2014"
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