Capt Scott's Tennessee Light Artillery Company
Organized at Memphis, Tennessee in May 1861 as Battery B, 1st Tennessee Light Artillery Regiment
The Battery was stationed at Fort Pillow until August when it reorganized as
Bankhead Battery of light artillery and equipped with 4 field pieces.
In 1862 the battery had 6 field pieces with approximately 100 men and 75 horses.
Bankhead's Battery August, 1861 - May 10, 1861
Scott's Battery June, 1862 - December, 1863
Consolidated with Swett's and Marshall's on December 9, 1863
Reorganized by Re-enactors November, 1979 - Present.
Battle History.
Battle of Belmont Nov. 7, 1861 Engaged Federal gunboats from Columbus, KY
Battle of New Madrid Feb. 27, 1862 Repelled the Union advances.
Battle of Shiloh April 6, 1862 Responsible for enfilading fire which routed Gen. Prentis division and captured 7 guns.
Battle of Perryville Oct. 8, 1862 Held in reserve in the town. Served in the rearguard during the retreat. Not engaged.
Stone's River Campaign Dec. 26, 1862 - Jan. 5, 1863 Distinguished itself on Jan. 3 against Union infantry.
Battle of Chickamauga Sept. 19 - 20, 1863 Took heavy casualties in men and horses. Fought at Brock's Field.
Missionary Ridge Nov. 25, 1863 Battery overrun and captured by the 2nd MN with the men standing at their guns to the last.
The remnants of the battery were transferred to Swett's Mississippi Battery where they served at the battles of Atlanta and Franklin.
Unit Commanders: Col. John P. McCown, Capt. S. P. Bankhead, Capt. William L. Scott, Lieut. John L. Marsh.
"Last updated "7/14/2014"
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