Recruites from Memphis

Men Who Deserted from Bankhead’s Battery
February 23–June 24, 1862


Washington Boren

J. A. R. Gatch

Francis McShane*~

Edward Boyle

J. R. Gillouly

George McKenzie*

Paleman C. Bush

W. J. Harrison*~

Edward G. W. Moon*

Joseph Byrd

Isaac Harrison

William Moore

Charles Campbell#

John Hayes~

John Murphy

James Campbell#

William Houston*

Patrick Murphy

J.W. Campbell

J. D. Hubbard*

Louis Myers

John Clooney~

Wright Hubbard*

John O’Donnell~

Thomas Clooney~

W. Jennett*

Andrew Oliver*

A. G. Comstock

John C. Jones*

John Purcell*~

Richard Connell~

J. H. Jones

John Ragan

William J. Cooper

Miles Kehoe~

L. R. Richardson*#

Frank Crosnow

P. G. Kemp

L. Roper

Jerry Crowley~

D. A. Kennedy

Nicholas Schriner*~

Michael Culinen

Joseph Kirkwood*

Eugene Sullivan~

John Dewire~

Joseph Kinsella*

D. C. Tally

William Dickenson

Cornelius Layton~

George Talty*~

Jerry Driscoll~

Thomas Leggett*

John Talty*~

David Ennis~

Martin Lyon~

Patrick Talty*~

?? Erlen

Michael Mahoney~

William Turner

Thomas Fitzpatrick~

Patrick Mathews~

James Welsh~

John Flynn~

Owen McGrath*^

O. E. Williams*

Michael Foley*~

James McLaughlin*~


* Listed AWOL on the official report

# Left in the hospital and not discharged

~ Had served twelve months and could have been discharged if the Conscription Law had not been passed.

^ Became a bounty jumper; served in other units.

Sources: National Archives microfilm group 268 rolls 97–98; Historical Data Systems, comp. American Civil War Soldiers ( (accessed April 21, 2013).

"Last Updated 7/9/2014"

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